
The AEU’s State and Territory branches represent individual members in their workplaces. So if you have a concern or query about your working conditions, an industrial issue or problem in your workplace, please contact your local branch for advice and support.

What should I be paid?

Members should always keep and regularly check their pay advice slips. Initially, any queries should be made with your workplace ‘payroll office’. For any continuing problems, contact the AEU branch office in your state or territory.

The AEU Federal Office maintains tables showing the current and immediate future salaries for teaching staff in schools and TAFE across Australia. These are collated from the various enterprise agreements or industrial awards covering teachers. Click below to see the salaries:

Detailed breakdown of weekly and/or fortnightly teaching wages may be found on the web pages of the AEU branch in your state or territory.

For salary rates for non-teaching staff in schools, for all staff in Victorian early childhood centres and for Victorian Disability Services members, please contact the AEU branch office in the relevant state or territory.

What should I do if I have a problem at work?

The AEU can assist members facing difficult issues at work including:

  • Illness, injury, damage to personal property, dangerous/inappropriate facilities;
  • Conflicts with students, work colleagues or parents/community members;
  • Facing allegations or complaints
  • Work overload, stress
  • Working ‘outside’ industrial award or agreement conditions

You don’t have to deal with these problems alone. AEU representatives can offer individual advice and support, but here are some general tips for dealing with problems or conflicts at work.

  • Don’t let the issue lie, always seek help and assistance
  • Find out your rights by checking your award or enterprise agreement
  • Report the incident, follow workplace procedures, make a summary or diary of events as soon as possible
  • Don’t go into a meeting alone – always take a support person or union representative; delay the meeting if possible to ensure you have assistance
  • Conduct all interactions professionally, with courtesy & respect. Be careful to always observe professional conduct and be wary of crossing the boundaries into personal friendships (whether ‘on-line’ or in person)
  • Always act with the permission or under the authority of your principal/manager/supervisor
  • Contact the AEU office in your state or territory for further advice and support