Tumut High School

Location: Tumut, NSW Snowy Mountains

Tumut High School has an enrolment of 575 students, including 55 Aboriginal students. The school is the western gateway to the Snowy Mountains and has partner schools in Tumut, Talbingo, Adelong and Brungle. The school is a Positive Behaviour for Learning school and has had a recent emphasis on HOW2LEARN, Middle Schooling, transition into Senior High School and developing a real sense of belonging to school. Tumut High School caters for a diverse range of students from different socio-economic backgrounds.

How has your school used its Gonski funding?

Funding has been used to employ staff to enable experienced staff release to deliver specific programs targeting specific students in need. This includes recognised programs, such as Rock and Water, and also school developed programs that target engagement, literacy, numeracy and self- empowerment. The school's breakfast program continued to exist based on this funding. The school has also been able to fund renovations to the existing Resource Centre to promote collaborative teaching and learning in larger spaces. Funding has been targeted at student assistance to increase student numbers at whole year school camps and other extra-curricular activities. Purchase of 'High-end Technology' (3D Printer and Router). Partnerships with other DoE departments such as Distance Education has meant an Outreach Centre for disengaged students continues to operate.

How has Gonski made a positive difference for students?

Student attendance at school camps has risen significantly with the overnight Year 7 camp having 85% and 90% attendance over the last 2 years. Greater numbers of students are attending extra- curricular activities. The schools RISE (Raising Individual Student Empowerment) Program has led to increased participant attendance (attendance data) and engagement (less welfare referrals). Aboriginal Students attend targeted Literacy and Numeracy lessons which have included community involvement. Students have participated in the State F1 competition and placed first and second at State Level. Partner school involvement has increased and surveys from students, parents and teachers have given overwhelming support to the schools Middle School Program. Programs have helped Tumut High School achieve above average attendance rates and has increased engagement for students traditionally lost in the system.

What could your school do with Gonski funding in the future?

The funding enables successful programs to be maintained and encourages staff to develop other school programs to target students from lower socio-economic backgrounds. The school will continue to look at funding minor capital works which will enable greater focus on STEM activities across the school. The school will be more able to plan future technology upgrades.

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