What has the school done with its Gonski funding?

Unfortunately, schools in Tasmania have not received their full Gonski funding due to a decision by the state government not to pass that funding directly on to schools, and to introduce its own cuts to schools budgets in 2015.

Location: Youngtown

What Youngtown Primary could do with Gonski funding in the future

  • Significantly increase capacity for targeted individual and small group interventions for children at risk in literacy, numeracy and/or mental health and wellbeing. Includes the provision of more alternative learning opportunities provided by increasing staffing.
  • Expand the reach of those evidence-based intervention programs for literacy and numeracy that are already making a difference to our lowest academic achievers.
  • Extend the opportunities available to challenge our most able students.
  • Employ additional teaching staff to enable a ‘coaching/mentoring’ approach to teacher professional learning. This highly effective learning model requires a level of resource that is currently not available.

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