In a clear indication of a future Dutton Government’s plans to cut TAFE funding, the Federal Opposition has asked the South Australian Government if it would continue free TAFE if the Commonwealth reduced its funding.
In a Senate Committee hearing in Adelaide today into the Free TAFE Bill 2024, Liberal Shadow Assistant Minister for Education Matt O’Sullivan today asked South Australian Minister for Education, Training and Skills Blair Boyer:
“Would the South Australian Government continue to fund Fee Free TAFE if the Commonwealth was to reduce its funding?”
Senator O’Sullivan, Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee, Adelaide 31/1/2025
“The Coalition has made no secret of its opposition to Free TAFE, and it is becoming ever apparent that TAFE will see funding cuts under a Dutton Government,” AEU Federal President Correna Haythorpe said.
“For AEU TAFE members and students, Fee Free TAFE and the restoration of recurrent, guaranteed funding after long-term neglect has given them confidence in the future of the vocational education sector, and a stronger sense of long-term career security.
“We have seen tremendous advances in TAFE under the Albanese Government and TAFE teachers and students cannot afford a future Dutton Government’s retrograde agenda.”
The AEU appeared before today’s committee, providing evidence of the benefits of Free TAFE for both students and teachers, and the transformative effect it has had on TAFE as the public provider of vocational education.
“Under the previous Coalition Government, we saw TAFE campuses closed, courses cut, TAFE teachers casualised or laid off and students saddled with burdensome debt,” Ms Haythorpe said.
“The Albanese Government’s Free TAFE provided a positive shift in government attitudes towards vocational education and training, and this legislation will see Free TAFE remain a permanent part of the vocational education architecture.”
“We can not risk a Dutton Government undoing the progress made by Federal and State Governments, when everyone knows that there is more to be done to ensure TAFE meets the needs of Australia’s skills demands.”
Kylie Jensen – 0402 298 728