Media Releases

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19 January 2015

A new analysis of NAPLAN results shows that public schools deliver similar academic results as private schools, once students’ socio-economic background is taken into account.



17 December 2014

The AEU wishes to express its shock at the massacre of over 100 students and teachers at a school in Pakistan and its solidarity with the families of the victims and the school community.


22 November 2014

The announcement by NSW Labor that they would protect TAFE’s future by putting a cap on contestable funding if elected should be emulated by political parties and State Governments across Australia, the Australian Education Union said today.

19 November 2014

A new Productivity Commission report showing there has been very little progress in improving Indigenous literacy and numeracy shows we must move to needs-based resourcing of the schools Indigenous students attend, the AEU said today.

13 November 2014

New research shows over 80 per cent of Australian principals say that a lack of resources is hurting education at their school, the AEU said today.

7 November 2014

Revelations that 75 per cent of Registered Training Organisations are failing to meet training and assessment standards, should lead to tighter regulation of heavily subsidised for-profit providers, the AEU said today.

3 November 2014

A new report prepared for State Education Ministers shows there are at least 100,000 students with a disability in Australian schools not receiving support funding, the AEU said today.


31 October 2014

Today’s meeting of Education Ministers is the last chance for Federal and State Governments to agree to provide much-needed increases in support for students with disability, the AEU said today.

30 October 2014

The Australian Education Union said today that Federal President Angelo Gavrielatos has announced his resignation after seven years as leader.

30 October 2014

Stronger national regulation of for-profit vocational training providers is required after the decision by the Victorian Government to withhold $19.6 million in payments from BAWM (a subsidiary of ASX-listed company Vocation) for failing to provide a proper standard of training.

21 October 2014

The Abbott Government’s attack on Gonski schools funding is continuing – with legislation passed by the House of Representatives last night aiming to reduce accountability for how Gonski funding is allocated and spent by State Governments and private school authorities.

19 October 2014

High class sizes and teacher workloads are the two main concerns revealed by the most recent Staff in Australia’s Schools (SiAS) Report, the AEU said today.

17 October 2014

Racist emails sent by the academic charged with assessing the English curriculum have tainted the credibility of the Abbott Government’s National Curriculum Review, the AEU said today.

12 October 2014

The release of the Abbott Government’s response to the review of the national curriculum has confirmed that it was simply a distraction which will do nothing to close the achievement gaps and lift overall student performance, the AEU said today.

10 October 2014

The Abbott Government’s refusal to discuss schools funding and the Gonski reforms at today’s COAG meeting shows they are walking away from needs-based funding of Australian schools, the AEU said today.

9 October 2014

NSW Premier Mike Baird must fight against funding cuts to NSW schools at tomorrow’s Council of Australian Governments meeting in Canberra, the AEU said today.

8 October 2014

The Abbott Government’s push to increase university fees and student debts and allow for-profit companies to access government funding will hurt schools by reducing teacher quality, the AEU said today.

3 October 2014

The Abbott Government’s response to a Senate Inquiry recommending it implement the full six years of Gonski funding has confirmed it will break its election promise and do nothing about the damaging shortfall in funding for students with disability.


24 September 2014

Christopher Pyne’s flawed Independent Public Schools policy has taken another hit, with both South Australia and the ACT accepting funding from his $70 million IPS fund without actually creating Independent Public Schools.

18 September 2014

Tony Abbott’s cuts to education – from early childhood, through to schools, TAFEs and universities – will be addressed at a community forum in Launceston tonight.

16 September 2014

Tony Abbott’s cuts to education – from early childhood, through to schools, TAFEs and universities – will be addressed at a community forum in Penrith this evening.

15 September 2014

Tony Abbott’s cuts to education – from early childhood, through to schools, TAFEs and universities – will be addressed at a community forum in Townsville this evening.

10 September 2014

The OECD’s “Education at a Glance” Report, released today, demonstrates the importance of equity in delivering a high-performing education system, the AEU said today.

9 September 2014

Education Minister Christopher Pyne’s invitation-only inquiry into the low-socioeconomic status (SES) loading, which recognises the need to devote more resources to educating students from poor families, is a biased attempt to undermine equity and needs-based schools funding, the AEU said today.

4 September 2014

The AEU has condemned Education Minister Christopher Pyne’s trivialisation of needs-based schools funding in Parliament today.