Media Releases

  • For all media enquiries contact: 9693 1800



26 May 2022

On Public Education Day, Thursday 26 May, the AEU acknowledges the outstanding commitment of principals, teachers and education support staff working across preschools, schools and TAFE in Australia

23 May 2022

The Australian Education Union has welcomed the incoming Albanese Labor Government.


28 April 2022

The Morrison Government has awarded private schools more than $10 billion of extra funding in its term while leaving 99 per cent of public schools underfunded, according to a new report by economist, Adam Rorris.

12 April 2022

The Australian Education Union is launching a mobile billboard in Ulverstone to kickstart their election campaign demanding full and proper funding for Northern Tasmania’s public schools from the next Federal Government.


30 March 2022

The Morrison Government’s 2022-2023 Federal Budget has slashed funding for public schools by $559 million over the next three years, whilst increasing funding for private schools by $2.6 billion over the forward estimates.

30 March 2022

The Morrison Government has once again failed public school, preschool and TAFE staff, students and parents across the nation with this year's Federal Budget.

24 March 2022

The Australian Education Union has welcomed the Australian Greens commitment to fee-free TAFE for all students.

24 March 2022

The Australian Education Union has welcomed a new report by economist Alison Pennington and the Centre for Future Work, titled Fragmentation and Photo Ops: The Failures of Australia’s Skills Policy Through COVID.

17 March 2022

The Australian Education Union has slammed the deplorable comments directed at public school teachers, principals and education support staff made by Stuart Robert at an independent schools’ conference today.

8 March 2022

The Australian Education Union has welcomed Federal Labor’s commitment to invest $77m for teaching consent education in Australian schools on International Women’s Day.

7 March 2022

New data released today highlights that the Morrison Government’s failure to take responsibility for TAFE has entrenched underfunding, excessive workloads for staff and greater uncertainty for students.

1 March 2022

The Australian Education Union is calling on the Morrison Government to deliver urgent funding for public schools in line with the recommendations of the Gonski review delivered a decade ago.


16 February 2022

An urgent investment in public school funding is required now more than ever to ensure students are not educationally disadvantaged as a result of COVID-19, the Australian Education Union has recommended in their pre-budget submission.

3 February 2022

The 2022 Report on Government Services released today by the Productivity Commission shows the extent of the Morrison Government’s failure to fairly and adequately resource public education.


25 January 2022

The Australian Education Union has warmly welcomed Federal Labor’s commitments to invest in education during the COVID-19 recovery, with new targeted funding for public schools.

13 January 2022

Teachers, principals and education support staff, along with parents and school communities, who were expecting a national plan for schools today, have been left standing empty-handed by the Prime Minister.



15 December 2021

Public school principals and teachers continue to see NAPLAN as ineffective and outdated, according to a new survey conducted by the Australian Education Union.

6 December 2021

TAFE students and teachers are set to benefit from Federal Labor’s new skills policy announced today.

3 December 2021

New data from the Australian Education Union shows that public schools do not have the resources required to meet the needs of students with disability.


29 November 2021

Australia’s youngest children are at risk of being left behind due to the ongoing failure of the Federal and some state governments to invest in three-year-old preschool.


29 October 2021

The Australian Education Union is calling for greater respect, recognition and reward for public school teachers today on World Teachers' Day.

25 October 2021

Students will be the biggest winners from a South Australian Labor commitment to renegotiate the funding deal for the State’s public schools, according to the Australian Education Union.

23 October 2021

Class sizes could be reduced by four students and four new teachers could be employed at every public Hobart school if the Federal Government funded schools to the national minimum standard, new figures show.

14 October 2021

With proper and fair funding from the Federal Government, every state school in Brisbane could employ an average of 17 more teachers and reduce average class sizes by seven students.

13 October 2021

The release today of the Shaping Our Future; A ten-year strategy to ensure a sustainable, high-quality children’s education and care workforce 2022–2031 highlights the critical need for greater investment in TAFE.