Wilson's Creek Public School

Location: Far North Coast of NSW

We are a small school set in the hills behind Mulllumbimby. We learn in the rainforest of the Great Dividing Range. Our school supports students from many cultures. We focus on creative and academic success. Gonski funding has made a huge impact on our school.

How has your school used its Gonski funding?

We use our Gonski funding to support the learning of students with an extra support teacher. We have used the funding to purchase ICT equipment to assist in students' learning. We have used the funding to support and employ creative beings to support learning in art and drama. We have used the funding to release teachers to create Individual Learning Plans for each student. This allows for the every student to receive the instruction at their level of understanding.

How has Gonski made a positive difference for students?

Students level of engagement has increased, attendance has increased and student results in Literacy and Numeracy have improved. The conversations at school with families now focus on learning. GONSKI funding has had a profound impact on our school.

What could your school do with Gonski funding in the future?

With the promised Gonski funding, our school could employ more support teachers and allow students to grow and achieve to their potential. With increased Gonski funding our school could employ language tutors to better support students that speak English as a second language. The most important use of Gonski funding in the future is the increased support of students with specific and special learning needs.

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