Media Releases

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20 September 2021

Children are at risk of being left behind, the Australian Education Union warned, as new OECD data shows Australia’s poor performance on early learning.

17 September 2021

Findings in the OECD’s Education at a Glance 2021 released today show Australia continues to fall behind its OECD peers when it comes to investment into public education. The findings highlight the critical need to invest in public schools, address escalating workloads and increase teacher salaries by a substantial margin, the Australian Education Union says.

14 September 2021

The Australian Education Union has rejected a proposed outcomes based Australian Migrant English Program funding model, in a submission to the Department of Home Affairs.

3 September 2021

The AEU is calling on Education Ministers to urgently develop a national plan for school COVID-19 recovery as a priority agenda item for the Education Ministers meeting today.

2 September 2021

The Australian Education Union would fiercely reject any expansion of the school chaplaincy program, Federal President Correna Haythorpe has warned.


25 August 2021

Political leaders should avoid drawing simplistic conclusions from the NAPLAN results released today, according to the Australian Education Union.

11 August 2021

Critical industries like childcare, ICT, carpentry and plumbing are at risk of significant workforce shortages, which would undermine the strength of Australia’s COVID-19 economic recovery according to the Australian Education Union.

4 August 2021

The National Cabinet should prioritise investment for every child to attend two years of preschool, in the same way Australian Governments provide universal primary and secondary education.


29 June 2021

The Australian Education Union is calling on the Federal Government to provide clarity on the current COVID-19 vaccination arrangements, the priority group arrangements and the future roll out of the vaccine.

18 June 2021

The report in today’s Nine Newspapers, ‘Australia’s top private schools are growing richer and faster than ever’ is clear evidence that for eight long years, the Federal Government has failed to invest in the resources and infrastructure public schools need to provide the education and support public students deserve.

11 June 2021

A new report shows investment in public school capital works would help lift student performance and could generate over $5 billion every year in economic stimulus due to increased employment and improved student outcomes.

7 June 2021

The Australian Education Union is calling on the Federal Government to make the education workforce a priority for COVID-19 vaccination.


27 May 2021

Today on Public Education Day, 24 organisations representing millions of Australian parents, teachers and community members have signed an open letter to the Prime Minister calling on him to fix the deep inequity in public school funding.

14 May 2021

The Australian Education Union has welcomed a new report from UNSW’s Gonski Institute for Education proposing a NAPLAN replacement that puts students at the heart of assessment.

12 May 2021

The Morrison Government’s 2021-22 Federal Budget is another profound fail for public school and TAFE staff, students and parents across the nation.

10 May 2021

The annual NAPLAN tests, which commence in schools tomorrow, are simply not fit for purpose, according to public school teachers and principals.


29 April 2021

The Australian Education Union is calling on Education Ministers to put funding of Australia’s public schools at the top of the agenda for Friday’s Education Ministers Meeting.

26 April 2021

Today, on behalf of AEU members, I have written to every member of the House of Representatives and Senate to seek support for long-term investment for preschool.

15 April 2021

The review into teacher training, announced today by Federal Education Minister Alan Tudge, simply demonstrates the continued failure of the Coalition Government to deliver the funding and resources we know will lift student performance.


31 March 2021

The Australian Education Union (AEU) welcomes Labor’s commitment to guarantee at least 70% of all public funding for vocational education to TAFE.

23 March 2021

More than eight in ten Australians (83%) believe that increasing public school funding should be a priority issue at the next federal election, according to new polling released today.

11 March 2021

Federal Education Minister Alan Tudge’s announcement of yet another education review ignores the significant body of evidence that already exists about the failure of the Federal Government to address the school funding equity gap.


19 February 2021

New school enrolment figures have provided further evidence of the growing demand for public education and of the deep inequality entrenched in the distribution of capital funds across Australia’s education system.

17 February 2021

The Australian Education Union (AEU) is calling on governments across the country to make TAFE their first priority as Australia looks to rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic and tackle the country’s skills crisis.

2 February 2021

The annual Report into Government Services (ROGS) provides evidence of the fundamental failure of the Federal Government to ensure that public schools across Australia have the funding needed for their students.